Thursday, July 5, 2007

Wedding season

Love is in the air. By the end of this month, three ladies I've known at least since high school will all be married. I'm surprised I only know one 7-7-07 bride, though I "know" another through an online message board.

It must be terribly exciting to be able to say "I'm getting married in 48 hours!" I know that I will eventually be able to say it too, but not for awhile yet. I'm really trying hard not to wish away the next 3.5 months, because I know that they are just as monumental a time in my life as every other chapter in the book. It's one of those things that you want forever to start NOW! because you've known it was coming for years. Honestly though, with as excited as I already am (last night I looked at Jason and said "We're getting married!") I hope my poor heart and head can take the inevitable increase in these emotions!

This weekend's lake party, coupled with spending time with the family at the lake again for 4th of July last night, just makes me appreciate all that I have in my life because I know just how blessed I am to have friends that would lay their lives down for me. I also could not be getting a better family if I had asked for it. I just need to focus on these feelings of belonging and acceptance and love, and it puts the little wedding "things" back into perspective.

Now where is that amazing fiance of mine...?

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