Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Getting carded

I'm determined to do some more craft projects for my wedding. There are so many things out there that are way overpriced, just because they have the word "wedding" in their name. So many things are so simple, yet brides stress themselves trying to be too perfect. Plus, the more projects i do myself, the more our wedding has a personal feel to it.

I present to you my latest project, that took little time and few supplies. I'm going to use it at the wedding so guests who bring cards can have a safe place to put them without worrying about someone stuffing all that cash and gift-cardness into a jacket and walking out the door.

Step one: Find a box. Any old box will do, so long as it's big enough to hold all your cards.

Step two: Using a pair of scissors, or an exacto knife, carefully cut the two smaller flaps off of the box. I left just a bit of flap to keep it sturdier, and if you really want to be frugal and use the box again, you can just tape down the flaps inside the box (make sure to tape really well because if the flaps pop up the cards may not fit.

Step three: Tape the box closed. Make sure you really tape everything well, especially around the perimeter. Don't worry so much about the middle seam where the big flaps join, because it won't matter in a minute.

Step four: Using an exacto knife (or in my case, a large kitchen knife) cut a strip out of the middle of the top where the big flaps meet. Make the strip long enough that big wedding cards will fit, and thick enough that cards stuffed with something in them won't get stuck.

Step five: Wrap the entire box in wrapping paper. I used old paper I had lying around from a wedding a long time ago. That way, it blends in with the other gifts in their pretty wrapping. You could also get creative and use gift wrap in your wedding colors, or some other type of paper (recycled paper for a green wedding, newspaper for an editor-in-chief bride, etc.)

Step six: Using the knife again, cut the wrapping paper so the strip in the box is visible. A hint here is not to remove the paper that you cut, but instead wrap in along the flap and tape it into the underside of the box, so that you can't see the brown color of the cardboard underneath.

Step seven (optional): Add a matching bow for a little something extra.

P.S. - sorry about the unmade bed!

1 comment:

SuziAndRicardo said...

That is a really cute idea! Do you mind if I steal it? :O)