Wednesday, April 4, 2007

I wish I...

... had an unlimited budget. I keep coming up with all these neat/cute ideas/projects that I think would be so perfect for the wedding. Then a few days later, I come up with something else, then realize I don't have the budget for both. So I have to decide on one or the other. Then, when I think I've made a choice between the two, I think up something else. It's very frustrating because I keep having to return purchases I've made.

But I finally made a decision yesterday. So back to Walmart I go to return the stuff I bought Monday! I'm sticking with this latest idea for sure, though the details may get altered. The big picture will stay the same for sure, because it's such a part of who I am (well, was is more like it, though still slightly am to this day) and it naturally lends itself to the wedding.

Got the photography contract in the mail today, so it should get there by Friday. I'm going to go ahead and check it off my list, because it's done barring any confusion at the post office. Wow it feels good to SEE it get taken off my list!!!

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