Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Updates galore

First of all, congratulations to the new Mr. and Mrs. Courtney and Will Qubty! I'm so sorry I couldn't be at the wedding, but I'm so happy for you guys!

The reason I couldn't be there this weekend is I was in Houston (yay!) visiting my family. It's the first time I've met my niece, who is almost 6 months old and ADORABLE!!! Just a happy baby all around, hardly fussy at all, fearless (my big teddy bear of a dog made friends with her very quickly) and cute :) She loves seeing herself in the mirror - she was starting to fuss so I walked around with her a bit and put her in front of our big mirror wall in the dining room: instant giggles. We just sat there and played until her bath was ready. She was too cute and so much fun and the only negative about the whole ordeal is that I don't get to see her more often. I think the next time will be at the wedding and she'll be 10 months, a lot different!

Having all of my family there was great because I spread the word about a lot of details. We aren't sending out save-the-dates because most everyone knows the info via word of mouth, and our website of course. Just as a reminder I shot out a quick email last night to those traveling the farthest. I was going to use the Knot's handy automated one, but it linked to my Knot webpage, which I haven't set up since we have the one at weddingpath. So the email one worked just as well and I was able to include the correct webpage address!

There was another wedding this weekend, and although I don't know the couple personally, she posts on Weddingbee and is probably the poster I feel closest with (because she's my age and had a lot of the same college related elements as me.) One thing that was so helpful was that she continued posting updates all the way until about 8 hours before her wedding (when she had to leave to get her hair done and then head to the venue.) She gave a lot of helpful advice about taking care of as much stuff as possible, even though you have a lot of time. All those little things that are 90% done, except for xyz, really come back and haunt you that last week leading up to the event. She suggested evaluating what things we still had to work on and try to completely finish up as many as possible.

Something else helpful was that she took each element (centerpieces, altar decorations, guest book table details, etc) and wrote out very specific, detailed directions for what was supposed to happen, then boxed that element and its directions in a box by itself. That way, when her family and friends came to help, they could grab a box, follow the directions, get her approval, and start on something else. It was a very organized way so she wasn't bombarded with "where does this go?" and "how do you want to do this?" and "should we do it like this or this?" I definitely think it was a brilliant move on her part. Especially since I know I'll be a perfectionist when it comes to my wedding, might as well get started on that stuff now.

So today I went to Michael's and purchased even more stuff! Among that stuff was a wooden "W" that I am going to decorate myself with little crystals to go on our cake (probably not as a topper, maybe on the second tier.) I got some big vases on sale for $5 apiece and then some little clear bags with twist ties that I'll use as favor bags.

It's so interesting to talk about my wedding with my sister in law. It made me realize how much we've gotten done, and how much there is left to do... I'm really hurting for a paycheck to finish up the purchases I have left to make, but this week is the last of my training at Barnes and Noble and next week I'm on the regular schedule, so that should help some. I get another paycheck this Thursday! Of course, it will go straight to my credit card, but since I'm charging all the wedding stuff anyway, it's like making a wedding payment. Sort of.

Sorry for the long boring post with no pictures. Maybe this will help:

A beautiful butterfly. One of many hanging around our apartment in the past few weeks. I was hoping to see them in more colors, but this is all we got. Still pretty.

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